
Good design matters – and a good design can make the help make sure that you build the place that is right for you, and not just another building. Our goal is not to build ‘more’ but to build ‘better’. Simple decisions made early on can make a big difference in how your space functions over the long term – and it’s much easier to move a digital wall than to rebuild a physical wall.

Careful choices early on can also help make your building truly sustainable – everywhere from energy efficiency, solar power, embodied carbon, and indoor air quality. Building science and materials are constantly changing – let me help you consider the options and make the best choice for your needs.

As a licensed architect with 17 years experience in projects large and small, I’m ready to help you make your dream a reality.



contact us.

Do you have a project you’re considering? Feel free to give me a call, or fill out the form below with information about what you hope to create.

p  |  734.249.8352

Ann Arbor, MI

What do you want to build?
Full service architectural fees generally range from 8% to 14% of construction cost. What do you hope to invest in this project, including design fees and other soft costs?